Thursday, June 27

This is Thursday’s blog, being posted two dates late.


What a sad, but joyful day for our mission team as today was the last day of clinic! At the risk of giving you the impression that all we care about is food, here we go:

We started out with breakfast eating eggs, avocado, salsa mix, tortillas, beans, and plantains. Jaidyn gave her devotion on Martha. Some of us jumped in Pastor Junior’s van to hitch a ride, while others chose to walk to clinic. 

Clinic was absolutely WILD, but a good wild. We saw over 100 patients (insert gasping emoji). 


One thing that made clinic a little different today was the arrival of an agriculture class! There were about 45 students that made an appearance at our clinic along with a couple faculty!


At the end of clinic, we had a closing ceremony where we were surprised with a group of Honduran drum line, along with a beautiful Nicaraguan dance put on by Pastor’s daughter and 2 others.


It was bittersweet saying all of our goodbyes as we had built relationships with the translators, people of the church, and the patients we have had the pleasure of seeing. This place and these people with always hold a special place in our hearts.  

For supper we were served grilled chicken, salad, potatoes, and fruit. We were blessed to listen to some karaoke being sung while we munched on some food. We also had some visitors join us. A HUGE cricket (thank you Patti for taking care of it) and a gecko crawling up the wall. Reagan gave her devotion on Delilah and we finished up the night with some ice cream before heading off to get some much needed rest.

In your prayers please pray for the team as we start packing to make the trek back to the United States with our loved one. May we have safe travels and return safely. 


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