Wednesday, June 26



I hope everybody is feeling well and rested today. I hope you enjoy your read about what our Wednesday consisted of here in Honduras.

Breakfast was once again served buffet style, which everybody thoroughly appreciated. We had French toast, watermelon and papaya, plantains, scrambled eggs, and chocolate syrup to top. On a sidenote, we would like to top bar hats to the amazing chefs in the kitchen here as they have been doing a wonderful job, not only with the cooking of the meals, but making sure that everybody is well served.

Today was a little different from the rest of the days as we started our morning with a rainfall which required everybody to get out their nice rain, jackets and ponchos to start the trek to the church. If Honker fluid were a thing, Hondurans would buy all of it as they use honking as a greeting throughout the day. 

Our walk to clinic this morning was also unique compared with the other days as we were joined by Batman.

Any guesses on how many patients we had a clinic today? 

If you guessed five….. you were wrong!

Multiple that number by 17 and add 4 more… yup that’s right…. 89 PATIENTS!!


We would like to give a big shoutout to our translators for coordinating rides for all of us to be transported back to the hotel after clinic! 

For supper we had buffet loaded nachos! Bethel gave a devotion on Tabitha. Bethel gave it from a neighbor’s point of view (Miriam). She was fantastic! The power went out, but Miriam (Bethel) thought, the show must go on!!

Our prayer requests for the night include a woman who has had kidney stones for over 2 years and is waiting to get surgery, the young children of Honduras to have a bright future, the people of La Paz who live in harsh conditions, a woman who was in a vehicle accident, a patient who had a lot going on in her life at home, and one of our own team members to recover fully from sickness.


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