Friday, June 21

Hola, happy Friday! Our mission trip started off on Thursday with a group leaving from South Dakota where they were then joined by a couple more from Michigan this morning in Miami. We all flew together from there into Honduras.


From the airport, we were transported via this cute yellow bus. Inside, we had all of our personal luggage along with 21 checked bags (supplies needed for clinic). We dropped off the cargo at the church and then headed to our home away from home for the next week.

After we settled into our new rooms, played some cards and relaxed, we were able to enjoy our first meal together. It consisted of delicious grilled chicken, rice, tossed salad, and fresh tortillas. We topped off the meal with a tasty ice cream treat. We’re off to bed to get rested for a busy day tomorrow. 


  1. The card game we played before dinner was Phase 10 and it was the first time I played this card game! Quite fun. Then the dinner was muy delicioso indeed! I believe I even had 6 tortillas along with my meal!


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