Friday, June 28

 My oh my what an eventful last day here in Honduras!

Just like every other day, we started our morning off with 7:00am breakfast. The cooks here have treated us so well with all the meals and we are so grateful! We had pancakes (honey and chocolate syrup to top), toast, omelets, plantains, and fruit. 

Today was our cultural day that we took full advantage of and immersed ourselves a little more in Honduras. Our lovely bus drivers (whom we will miss dearly) picked us up in our cute yellow bus and we made our way to La Tigra National Park, that sits 1000 ft above the capital of Tegucigalpa, and 20 degrees F cooler than La Paz. 

The park is famous as a cloud forest, and has trees dripping with bromeliads, fungi, air plants, orchids, ferns and more. The orchids were not in bloom at this time, but we saw all the other flora and we heard several birds.

We divided into 2 groups. One group went on a 3 mile strenuous hike reaching 6000 ft of elevation while the other group had a 1.5 mile trek to a hanging bridge over a waterfall. Both great adventures! After the walk, it was time for our lunch (sandwiches purchased at a Circle K Texaco station on the way to the park). Amazing how delicious they tasted after the hike!

A neat sighting to see in the forest was Tarzan swinging on the vines.

What a sight to see and be apart regarding the Honduras driving. We all have learned a few driving rules here and might try and take them back home

  1. Driving on curbs to go around cars
  2. Honking to say hello to everyone you see
  3. Backing up on an interstate when you miss your turn
  4. Turning around in the middle of the road
  5. Free for all and having no right of way on the city streets
  6. Getting close enough to the car next to you to be able to see the driver’s eye color

*Please pray that we all remember how to drive the correct way when we reach home

After a long bus ride, change in elevation multiple times, and turning each curve on two wheels (just kidding!) we eventually made it to the hotel for supper. We had kabobs (pork, peppers, and onions), salad, twice baked potato, guava, and plantains. Becky gave her devotion on the woman at the well.

As this trip concludes there are so many well-deserved thank you’s. Here are a few: 

  1. Thank you to MOST Ministries for coordinating our mission trip to La Paz
  2. Thank you to Pastor Junior and the Lutheran church of La Paz for hosting us while we have been here. The two Mar
  3. Thank you to the amazing staff of Hotel del Angel, La Paz for their care and feeding of us this week
  4. Thanks to team leader (Cindy) for making this trip nothing short of amazing! 
  5. Thank you to our families, loved ones, churches, and everyone else who supported us and prayed for us while we served the community of La Paz
We may have a couple more posts, so stay tuned!


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