Monday, June 24

 Welcome back!

I hope each of you reading this blog post had a day as great as we all did here in Honduras!

To start it off, we had an amazing breakfast cooked by our lovely Honduran friends. Our breakfast consisted avocado toast, eggs, papaya, and beans. Jenn led us in morning devotion reading about/discussing Eve and her story. 

After our breakfast concluded, we all joined together to venture out for another 0.8 mile walk to clinic at the church. When we arrived at the church around 8:30 am, we were greeted with a long line of individuals patiently waiting to be seen. Each of us quickly gathered our supplies and set up the clinic to get the show on the road. 

Clinic was a non-stop day with a very consistent flow of patients. In fact, it was the busiest day so far regarding the amount of patients we had the privilege of caring for. Today our medical professionals saw a wide variety of patient cases including check-ups, ring worm, diabetes, hypertension, severe pain, and more. 

One interesting case from today included an gentleman in his late 70’s that suffered from severe pain. He presented himself to our clinic to see if there were any treatment options for him to help decrease the amount of pain he was having. After discussion, Kyler brought the gentlemen up to the alter to give him a steroid shot into the hip to help relieve the pain!


One highlight of our day was a little snack provided to us by Leonardo’s grandmother who owns a local bakery here in La Paz. Our team is fortunate enough to have Leonardo and each of the other individuals interpreting for us throughout the duration of our stay here!

After we wrapped up clinic for the day, some of us walked, while others hitched a ride back to our hotel. We ate supper buffet style tonight. A delicious meal of pork chops, mashed potatoes, a mix of vegetables, plantains, tortillas, and LITTLE FRUIT THINGS. We listened to Kate’s devotion on Deborah and then debriefed for a few moments before heading off to bed.

As tonight concludes, we would like everyone to add the individuals of La Paz into their prayers. All of us have realized how difficult and stressful many of these people live. Caring for children by themselves, working multiple jobs, cooking, cleaning, and trying everything they can just to provide for their family is not easy. We ask you to pray that these individuals are surrounded with help, strength, support, and love. 


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