Tuesday, June 25

Thanks for coming back! 

We continue to have buffet style for our meals. For breakfast we had the choices of plantains, tortillas, beans, eggs (scrambled and poached), toast, peanut butter and jelly. Kyler then led us in devotion on Mary the mother of God. 

By the way those little fruit things from yesterday are called nances. 

Today we got a ride in our cute yellow bus to the clinic. When we arrived, once again, people were already waiting to see us. Today at the clinic we saw a wide variety of issues. Deb went Macgyver mode. Here is the story…An older gentleman presented to the clinic with his daughter. It was extremely noticeable something was wrong with his ankle as he couldn’t bear any weight. With further investigation from Alisa and Kyler, they found out the patient had suffered a stroke a few months back. As soon as Deb heard those words she got to work. It took her about 3 minutes to shuffle through available braces and make something to suit this man. She ended up using a post-operative walkingboot and wrist brace. With this new brace, the man is now able to stand alone with minimal help. He now only needs 1 person to assist with walking. 


As clinic continues, Patti had seen a boy and his mom. Patti could tell this woman had something heavy on her chest. After some talking, Patti and her nurse Becky found out the woman was going through a hardship. They took a moment to pray together. More and more patients are coming in simply asking for prayer. What a beautiful sight to see watching doctors, nurses, translators, and the patients coming together focusing on the power of prayer. 

BIG NEWS! Reporters visited the clinic today. They spoke with Pastor Junior, Team Leader Cindy, and Dr. Patti. If you would like to hear more the link is attached…


Bethel continues to do a fantastic job in the “Kid Zone” as we see more and more families in the clinic. She has adapted activities for kids of all ages. 


On the spread for supper was…avocado, plantains, potatoes, grilled chicken, cheese, tortillas, and salad. Pat had devotion over Ruth. Tonight we sang a few church hymns while enjoying some ice cream. The top pick bar of the night is the “Cinta Negra Crispy.”

Send out special prayers tonight to Pat’s brother-in-law. We also would like to pray for tomorrow’s clinic day as we hope for the people who need care to seek it out.


  1. Excellent news coverage! Everyone gave such a positive accounting of what you are doing there. I'd be interested to see if that increases the number of patients as it certainly increased your exposure for what the Lord is doing through you all there. Keep up the good work!


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