
Thursday, June 27

This is Thursday’s blog, being posted two dates late.   What a sad, but joyful day for our mission team as today was the last day of clinic! At the risk of giving you the impression that all we care about is food, here we go: We started out with breakfast eating eggs, avocado, salsa mix, tortillas, beans, and plantains. Jaidyn gave her devotion on Martha. Some of us jumped in Pastor Junior’s van to hitch a ride, while others chose to walk to clinic.  Clinic was absolutely WILD, but a good wild. We saw over 100 patients (insert gasping emoji).      One thing that made clinic a little different today was the arrival of an agriculture class! There were about 45 students that made an appearance at our clinic along with a couple faculty!   At the end of clinic, we had a closing ceremony where we were surprised with a group of Honduran drum line, along with a beautiful Nicaraguan dance put on by Pastor’s daughter and 2 others.   It was bittersweet saying all of our goodbyes as we had built r

Friday, June 28

  My oh my what an eventful last day here in Honduras! Just like every other day, we started our morning off with 7:00am breakfast. The cooks here have treated us so well with all the meals and we are so grateful! We had pancakes (honey and chocolate syrup to top), toast, omelets, plantains, and fruit.  Today was our cultural day that we took full advantage of and immersed ourselves a little more in Honduras. Our lovely bus drivers (whom we will miss dearly) picked us up in our cute yellow bus and we made our way to La Tigra National Park, that sits 1000 ft above the capital of Tegucigalpa, and 20 degrees F cooler than La Paz.  The park is famous as a cloud forest, and has trees dripping with bromeliads, fungi, air plants, orchids, ferns and more. The orchids were not in bloom at this time, but we saw all the other flora and we heard several birds. We divided into 2 groups. One group went on a 3 mile strenuous hike reaching 6000 ft of elevation while the other group had a 1.5 mile trek

Wednesday, June 26

  GOOD MORNING!  I hope everybody is feeling well and rested today. I hope you enjoy your read about what our Wednesday consisted of here in Honduras. Breakfast was once again served buffet style, which everybody thoroughly appreciated. We had French toast, watermelon and papaya, plantains, scrambled eggs, and chocolate syrup to top. On a sidenote, we would like to top bar hats to the amazing chefs in the kitchen here as they have been doing a wonderful job, not only with the cooking of the meals, but making sure that everybody is well served. Today was a little different from the rest of the days as we started our morning with a rainfall which required everybody to get out their nice rain, jackets and ponchos to start the trek to the church. If Honker fluid were a thing, Hondurans would buy all of it as they use honking as a greeting throughout the day.  Our walk to clinic this morning was also unique compared with the other days as we were joined by Batman. Any guesses on how many pa

Tuesday, June 25

Thanks for coming back!  We continue to have buffet style for our meals. For breakfast we had the choices of plantains, tortillas, beans, eggs (scrambled and poached), toast, peanut butter and jelly. Kyler then led us in devotion on Mary the mother of God.  By the way those little fruit things from yesterday are called nances.  Today we got a ride in our cute yellow bus to the clinic. When we arrived, once again, people were already waiting to see us. Today at the clinic we saw a wide variety of issues. Deb went Macgyver mode. Here is the story…An older gentleman presented to the clinic with his daughter. It was extremely noticeable something was wrong with his ankle as he couldn’t bear any weight.  With further investigation from Alisa and Kyler, they found out the patient had suffered a stroke a few months back. As soon as Deb heard those words she got to work. It took her about 3 minutes to shuffle through available braces and make something to suit this man. She ended up using a po

Monday, June 24

 Welcome back! I hope each of you reading this blog post had a day as great as we all did here in Honduras! To start it off, we had an amazing breakfast cooked by our lovely Honduran friends. Our breakfast consisted avocado toast, eggs, papaya, and beans. Jenn led us in morning devotion reading about/discussing Eve and her story.  After our breakfast concluded, we all joined together to venture out for another 0.8 mile walk to clinic at the church. When we arrived at the church around 8:30 am, we were greeted with a long line of individuals patiently waiting to be seen. Each of us quickly gathered our supplies and set up the clinic to get the show on the road.  Clinic was a non-stop day with a very consistent flow of patients. In fact, it was the busiest day so far regarding the amount of patients we had the privilege of caring for. Today our medical professionals saw a wide variety of patient cases including check-ups, ring worm, diabetes, hypertension, severe pain, and more.  One int